(503) 799-8354
eXp Realty, LLC - 2210 Mission Street SE, #250, Salem, OR 97032

Present Market Details

Consider this the one-stop place for the background information on your personal present real estate situation. Every person can use real estate to build a positive personal net-worth. Owning a home is one part of building your net worth, but many homeowners don’t know where they are in relationship to a net worth goal. We enjoy giving FREE information so you can be informed as to how real estate can positively grow your bottom line.

We want to help you write the plan for using your money to get to the dream you have for the future. Knowing what your next step is toward that dreams takes a plan, and current information about your financial situation to grow and make that dream a reality.

Contact us by email, phone, or text for a more specific idea of how real estate can be used as a tool to make that dream a reality down the road. We are here to help you build a team of trusted advisors around you so the plan will be executed with you in charge. That’s how we help you build your own Real Estate Advisor Team.

Recent Homes Sold In Your Area

The actual Market Value of a home is the price that the property sold for on the day the new owners received the keys. By looking at the recent sales you can get an idea of what the home value range is in your neighborhood.

Check out these recent home sales in your city to see what the market is doing today. Just reach out and we can answer your questions or do a Comparative Market Analysis on your specific property. You can also get that information in a little more general sense by requesting a Market Valuation through our site and we will get that information and price range back to you within 48-hours.

Present Homes For Sale In Your Area

Getting a big-picture from really high can give you a great look at the potential of what your home may be worth, or what homes are going for in the area you want to move to.

Check out these present listing in your city to give that big picture. Just reach out and we can answer your questions, or show you a property that could be the next step in your real estate plan.

Recent Market Trends

Knowing the status of the present homes for sale, and the most recent sold homes gives you a ton of information. Almost Too Much Information. So we have these nifty reports for your one-stop review of the real estate happenings in your area.

Check them out to see what the trends have been recently and over the past year in your area.

Market Update Reports